Salomon Divers Pricelist Scuba Diving

Dives 1 Dive 5 Dives Package 10 Dives Package 15 Dives Package Remarks
Refresh Rs0.00 Rs0.00 Rs0.00 Rs0.00 Swimming Pool
Tanks and weight Rs2,750.00 Rs13,060.00 Rs24,750.00 Rs35,062.00 Valid for the duration of the stay
Full Equipment Rs3,300.00 Rs15,675.00 Rs29,770.00 Rs42,075.00 Valid for the duration of the stay

Equipment rental per dive One Dive
Mask, Snorkel & Fins Rs100.00
BCD or Wetsuit Rs150.00
Regulator Rs150.00
Dive Computer Rs150.00
Full Equipment Rs550.00
UW Lamp Rs550.00

Course Price Remarks
Scuba Diver Rs12,900.00

3 swimming pool (Can make it 2 long Swimming Pool) + 2 boat dive / 2-3 days

Open Water Rs22,600.00

5 swimming pool (Can make it 2 long Swimming Pool) + 4 boat dive / 4-5 days

Advance Open Water Rs14,700.00

5 dives, 3 - 4 days

Rescue Rs20,900.00

To Plan 1 month in advance

Discover Scuba Diving edited Rs6,500.00

1 pool , 1 dive

Courses materials & certifications Price Remarks
Manuel PADI Rs3,000.00 OW, AOWD, Rescue, EFR
CertificationFees Rs2,800.00 PADI Positive Identification Card (PIC)

15% VAT is included in the above prices

Salomon Divers reserves the right to change these prices without prior notice

Equipment included: tank, weight, fins, mask, snorkel, BCD, regulator, computer.